Here's yet another of my passions, wearable art! I do all the work, from hand cutting (old school) the film, to prepping, burning and pre-press-and then, printing! This makes every tee I print, an original piece of art-each one, unique to itself, just like you!
All tees are either 100% soft cotton or a cotton blend, short sleeve and adult S-XXL.

Hecho En

State ZIA
zia raven on ath heather grey


Yo Soy Tu Padre-BEST SELLER!
Heart of NM Gold short sleeve/ #22T

New Mexico Roots

Biker Billy 66

Dead Betty- Ladies relaxed fit crew tee

Heart of NM-baby onsie
6 month or
12 month.
ROCK & ROLL/ on black

CALIENTE / on black

Sugar Zia- on black unisex tee

Moon Zia- on midnite Navy tee

Hello Chile- unisex onsie

Spider Zia on BLACK tee - yes, it's black.
Hello Chile on lime green onsie

SPIRAL Sugar Skull- on deep heather black

ZIA Moon- on dark heather navy/ #45T

Canna Bus- Army green tee
Heart of NM- BLK

Kinda Klassy...on blk
HIKE NM- on toast color tee
MINIMUM 12 PIECES PER DESIGN PLEASE! Want a different color tee?
Just ask! We can figure it out!

Alien NO green chile- on Army green tee

WEB Zia- cream ink on Cardinal red tee
Nuevo Mexico / Red ink on black

NM Rattler- tattoo design on rust

Swish Zia State-grey on black tee
NO GRN Chile- almond ink on black tee

Rustic Zia- white or Turq ink on heather black

NM Rattler- BLK on WHITE or HTR Grey
NM Rattler/ tattoo tan on BLK
DUE to popularity of this design- multiple offerings! PLEASE order 12 total of each color.
My Happy Place / Baseball tee, unisex
Different wholesale price- pls inquire.

Zia Road Runner- on blue (for now)
New Mexico Skull- bone white on heather grey

Taos skele Ski- bone white on hoodie or tees- see sticker on stickers page!

ZIA SKULL on NEW L/S Camo heather black tee-SUPER soft! UNisex.

Raven Guide- on Dark heather grey

New Mexico Patch- black ink on natural

Garden Hoe- on Basil green tee unisex
Heavy duty garden apron- KHAKI

100% recycled cotton totes! Perfect over the shoulder size for farmers markets!

SW Skull- Rust brown on mustard tee

NM Bison Skull on Black

JUST CHILL- Black tee

NM BIGFOOT Tattoo tan on ARMY Green tee

CCelestial Zias / Turq ink on Black tee
ONSIES- 6 month or 12 Month
"Hecho"- Red Onsie
"Zia State"- Black Onsie

UFO COW- Black on yellow

Rustic NM Map on Clay cotton tee- NO STRIPES (Bad picture is all)

Dueling Sombreros- Black ink on Toast tan-again, not textured like photo implies- smooth soft surface.